© 2008 ddd-design

A Topper Production

Exhibition Design Consultants
Exhibition Design.Interior Design.Design Portfolio.Graphics.Event Planning.Contact.
Email: exhibitions@ddd-design.co.uk
Telephone: 07521 557888  email: exhibitions@ddd-design.co.uk

This is a selection of Purpose Built Design Ideas for you to browse. Each one was designed to meet a specific requirement according to the brief and budget. Of course your design will be unique and corporate to your company or product.

A re-usable solution, that can be re-configured to fit all sizes, easily transported and  stored. With clever design can be made to look like a Purpose Built Stand.

For hotels, reception displays, small sites and restricted venues this solution works well.Pop-ups, Pull ups and free standing graphics can provide a suitable and inexpensive backdrop for your product Promotion.

Design Portfolio.

See Purpose Built


Purpose Built design portfolio
Design Portfolio.

See Modular Designs

Portable design portfolio
Design Portfolio.

See Portable Designs

Portable design portfolio

Choose a solution from the options below. Each solution is tailor made to fit your exhibition requirements and budget.

Purpose Built Designs
Modular Stand Designs
Portable Designs
Metal Perforated Panel
Prestige Perforated Panels